Printable primary worksheets

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6993 results

Year 2 Common Exception Words Handwriting Workbook

Year 2 Common Exception Words Handwriting Workbook

Year 2 Common Exception Words Handwriting BookletThese common exception words often appear in various contexts and are essential for building fluency in reading and writing. Children need to memorise these words by sight. Practicing these common exception words helps develop literacy skills and supports the transition to more complex reading and writing tasks in Year 2 and beyond.

Age: 6 - 7
Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 8)

Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 8)

Year 2 SpellingSpelling is a fundamental aspect of language acquisition and literacy development. Year 2, a crucial year in a child's education, marks a significant stage in their spelling journey. During this time, students transition from basic phonetic spelling to a more comprehensive understanding of spelling patterns and rules. Accurate spelling enhances a child's ability to communicate effectively. As students progress through Year 2, they move beyond writing simple sentences to crafting more complex compositions.

Age: 6 - 7
Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 7)

Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 7)

Year 2 SpellingsLearning spelling introduces pupils to a wider range of vocabulary. This exposure to new words not only helps them understand their meanings but also encourages them to incorporate these words into their own writing. Students practise reading the spelling words and writing them themselves. They then complete a fill-in-the-blanks exercise. 

Age: 6 - 7
Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 6)

Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 6)

Year 2 SpellingsThis spelling worksheet is designed to engage year 2 students in a fun way while strengthening their spelling skills. The fill-in-the-blanks activity focuses on keywords that are commonly used in their vocabulary. By completing this worksheet, students will not only enhance their spelling abilities but also reinforce their understanding of word meanings and context.

Age: 6 - 7
Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 5)

Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 5)

Year 2 SpellingsLearning to spell correctly is a crucial aspect of a child's language development, and Year 2 spellings play a significant role in building a strong foundation for language skills. Correct spelling contributes to efficient reading. When words are spelled correctly, they are easily recognisable, facilitating smoother reading comprehension. 

Age: 6 - 7
Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 4)

Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 4)

Year 2 SpellingsMastering spellings can greatly boost a child's confidence in both reading and writing. When children are confident in their spelling abilities, they are more likely to tackle writing tasks with enthusiasm and produce work that they are proud of. Students fill in the blanks with the correct word from the spelling word bank. 

Age: 6 - 7
Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 3)

Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 3)

Correct spelling is essential for effective communication. When children spell words accurately, their written communication becomes more coherent and easily understandable. This is especially important as they begin to express their thoughts, ideas, and stories through writing. Learning Year 2 spellings introduces children to a wider range of vocabulary. This exposure to new words not only helps them understand their meanings but also encourages them to incorporate these words into their own writing. With this spelling worksheet, students choose the correct word from the word bank to complete the sentences. They also practise writing each spelling word. 

Age: 6 - 7
Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 2)

Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 2)

Year 2 Spellings ListIn this activity, we will be diving into some interesting words that will help pupils strengthen their spelling skills. This worksheet is designed to enhance students' vocabulary and understanding of word patterns.Students fill in the blanks with the correct spelling of the words from the word bank. They must pay close attention to the context of the sentence to choose the appropriate spelling. 

Age: 6 - 7
Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 1)

Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 1)

Year 2 SpellingsThis spelling worksheet is designed to engage year 2 students in a fun way while strengthening their spelling skills. The fill-in-the-blanks activity focuses on key words that are commonly used in their vocabulary. By completing this worksheet, students will not only enhance their spelling abilities but also reinforce their understanding of word meanings and context.

Age: 6 - 7
Rainforest Biome Cloze Activity

Rainforest Biome Cloze Activity

Rainforest Biome Cloze ActivityThis worksheet introduces students to the concept of biomes and their unique characteristics. Through reading and filling in the blanks, students gain a better understanding of the rainforest biome's location, climate, and distinct features. Use this KS2 resource in the classroom or at home. 

Desert Biome Cloze Activity

Desert Biome Cloze Activity

Desert Biome Cloze ActivityThis worksheet focuses on the desert biome, a unique and fascinating ecosystem found around the world. Deserts may seem barren, but they are full of remarkable adaptations and survival strategies. This educational resource is designed to engage KS2 pupils in exploring the characteristics, plants, and animals of the desert biome while enhancing their understanding of this challenging environment.The Desert Biome worksheet introduces students to key concepts related to desert ecosystems. Pupils will engage in a fill-in-the-blanks exercise where they can apply their knowledge of desert features, climate, and adaptations. This activity encourages critical thinking and reinforces essential facts about desert biomes. Use this desert biome worksheet to spark interest, deepen understanding, and inspire further exploration of our planet's diverse ecosystems.

Savannah Biome Cloze Activity

Savannah Biome Cloze Activity

Savannah Biome Cloze ActivityThis engaging and educational resource aims to introduce students to the fascinating world of the savannah biome – a unique and diverse ecosystem found in various parts of the world, particularly in Africa. This worksheet will provide pupils with a deeper understanding of the savannah biome's characteristics, climate, plant and animal adaptations, as well as the challenges it faces. Through a fill-in-the-blanks exercise, students will actively engage with key concepts related to the savannah, enhancing their knowledge of this remarkable habitat. 

Aquatic Biome Cloze Activity

Aquatic Biome Cloze Activity

Aquatic Biome Cloze ActivityThis cloze activity worksheet on aquatic biomes is designed to engage KS2 pupils in an exciting journey through the world's water-based ecosystems. Students will have the opportunity to test their knowledge about aquatic biomes by completing sentences with the appropriate words. By doing so, they will reinforce their understanding of important concepts related to oceans, rivers, lakes, and other aquatic environments. This activity encourages critical thinking as students recall information about the unique features and inhabitants of these biomes.

Tundra Biome Cloze Activity

Tundra Biome Cloze Activity

Tundra cloze activityThis worksheet is designed to enhance your pupils' understanding of the unique characteristics, plant life, and animal adaptations that make the tundra such a fascinating and extreme environment. Through this activity, students will reinforce their knowledge of the tundra biome while practising important reading and comprehension skills. As students fill in the blanks with the appropriate words, they will demonstrate their understanding of key concepts related to the tundra biome.

Biomes Quiz

Biomes Quiz

Biomes QuizOur Fascinating Biomes Quiz is a great activity designed to enhance your students' understanding of the different biomes that exist around the world. This quiz is a fun and educational way for students to learn about the unique characteristics and plant and animal life. There are 10 multiple-choice questions for children to answer. Incorporate the "Fascinating Biomes Quiz" into your lesson plan or use this fun resource at home. 

Biomes Word Search

Biomes Word Search

Biomes word searchKS2 pupils will have fun discovering the different biomes that cover our Earth's surface, from the icy tundras to the lush rainforests and arid deserts. Pupils search for 12 hidden words related to these incredible biomes. 

Biomes Matching Activity

Biomes Matching Activity

Biomes Matching Activity WorksheetIn this engaging worksheet, pupils will explore the fascinating world of biomes – diverse ecosystems that cover our planet. Their task is to match each biome with its description. Biomes are unique regions with distinct climates, landscapes, and plant and animal life. Happy learning and exploring the amazing biomes of our planet!

What are Natural Resources?

What are Natural Resources?

What are Natural Resources?This handy worksheet is designed to introduce KS2 students to the concept of natural resources and their distribution. Through this worksheet, students will gain a better understanding of essential resources like energy, food, minerals, and water, and how they are distributed around the world. The worksheet includes an informative passage that explains the importance of natural resources and their diverse uses. Students will be asked multiple-choice questions, to think about the importance of water conservation, and come up with simple ways they can contribute to saving water in their daily lives.

Exploring Settlements and Land Use

Exploring Settlements and Land Use

Exploring Settlements and Land UseThis worksheet is designed to introduce pupils to the concepts of settlements and land use. It will help pupils understand the diverse ways land is used for different purposes. Children will explore rural and urban settlements, grasp the significance of proper land use planning, and gain insights into the connections between human activities and the environment. There are multiple-choice questions and answers included in this resource.

Mindfulness Colouring Page - Peace

Mindfulness Colouring Page - Peace

Mindfulness colouring page activityThis mindfulness colouring page features a beautiful image of a peace dove, a universal symbol of tranquility and harmony. This resource can be used to celebrate International Peace Day or as a calming activity. Colouring can be a soothing and therapeutic activity, allowing children to focus on the present moment. Encourage pupils to take their time and choose their colours mindfully.

Age: 10 - 11
International Peace Day Acrostic Poem

International Peace Day Acrostic Poem

International Peace Day Acrostic PoemAn acrostic poem is a creative and expressive form of writing where the first letter of each line spells out a word or message. In this acrostic poem for International Peace Day, the word "PEACE" serves as the central theme. Each line of the poem represents a different aspect of peace, highlighting the idea of people coming together, embracing diversity, uniting in love, and creating a harmonious world.

Age: 8 - 9
International Peace Day Word Search

International Peace Day Word Search

International Peace DayThis word search activity is a fun and engaging way for KS1 pupils to celebrate International Peace Day while also reinforcing their spelling and vocabulary skills. The word search contains 12 peace-related words that are hidden in the grid. The goal is for students to locate and circle each word.What is International Peace Day?International Peace Day, also known as World Peace Day, is a globally observed event dedicated to promoting and celebrating the idea of peace, unity, and understanding among people and nations. It is recognised on 21st September each year. The purpose of International Peace Day is to raise awareness about the importance of peaceful coexistence, conflict resolution, and the prevention of violence on both a local and global scale.International Peace Day encourages people of all ages to reflect on the power of peaceful solutions and the positive impact that acts of kindness and understanding can have in creating a more harmonious world. 

Age: 6 - 7
Digraph: 'ew' cloze activity

Digraph: 'ew' cloze activity

Introducing the "ew" digraph to young learners can be an engaging and effective way to enhance their spelling skills. Here are some benefits of teaching "ew" words and digraphs:Benefits of teaching 'ew' words and digraphs:Phonemic awareness: Learning about digraphs like "ew" helps children develop their phonemic awareness by recognising that two letters together create a single sound.Spelling patterns: Understanding digraphs introduces students to specific spelling patterns, helping them become more proficient spellers.Reading fluency: Recognising digraphs contributes to improved reading fluency as students become more confident in decoding words.Vocabulary expansion: Introducing new words with the "ew" sound enhances vocabulary and comprehension skills.

Age: 5 - 6
Digraph: 'oy' cloze activity

Digraph: 'oy' cloze activity

Teaching young learners about digraphs, like the 'oy' sound, is an essential part of developing their literacy skills. A digraph is a pair of letters that come together to represent a single sound. The 'oy' digraph is commonly found in words like "boy," "toy," and "enjoy." By introducing students to digraphs, you're providing them with tools to decode and spell words more effectively. Let's explore the benefits of teaching 'oy' words and how to introduce them through a worksheet.Benefits of teaching 'oy' words and digraphs:Phonemic awareness: Learning digraphs helps students recognise and understand specific sounds within words, enhancing their phonemic awareness.Spelling proficiency: Mastering 'oy' words improves students' spelling skills and empowers them to tackle more complex words.Reading fluency: Recognising digraphs leads to smoother and more fluent reading as students become more adept at blending sounds.Vocabulary growth: Exposure to 'oy' words expands students' vocabulary and comprehension of various texts.Encourage students to complete the fill-in-the-blank sentences using the 'oy' words provided.

Age: 5 - 6
Digraph: 'ay' cloze activity

Digraph: 'ay' cloze activity

Digraph: 'ay' cloze worksheet This worksheet is all about the exciting 'ay' digraph! In this activity, pupils will get to practise words that have the 'ay' sound, which is often found in words like "day," "play," and "say." Pupils fill in the blanks in sentences and strengthen their understanding of this unique sound. Children will have fun while improving their spelling skills!Importance of learning spellingsLearning spellings is like unlocking a secret code to communication. When pupils learn how to spell correctly, they can express their thoughts and ideas clearly in writing. Knowing how to spell words helps us write stories and share information accurately. It also builds confidence in reading because children can recognise words easily. Just like putting together a puzzle, learning spellings helps us put letters in the right order to create meaningful words. So, by practising spellings, you're becoming a better communicator and a more confident reader and writer!

Age: 5 - 6
Digraph: 'aw' cloze activity

Digraph: 'aw' cloze activity

Digraph: 'aw' cloze activityThis worksheet is all about the 'aw' sound! In this activity, pupils will practise recognising and using words that contain the 'aw' digraph. Pupils fill in the blanks with the words from the word bank. Words include draw, saw, claw, straw, paw, yawn, lawn, and crawl. 

Age: 5 - 6
Digraph: 'ou' cloze activity

Digraph: 'ou' cloze activity

Digraph: 'ou' cloze activityStudents will dive into learning words that contain the 'ou' digraph, where the two letters work together to create a unique sound. Through fun fill-in-the-blank sentences and word practice, young learners will enhance their reading and phonics skills while mastering words like 'mouse,' 'house,' and 'cloud.' 

Age: 5 - 6
Digraph: 'er' cloze activity

Digraph: 'er' cloze activity

Digraph: 'er' cloze activityLearning digraphs provides students with essential skills that empower them to become confident and proficient readers and writers. Understanding digraphs assists students in spelling words correctly, as they learn that specific letter combinations produce distinct sounds. This activity can be used in the classroom or at home and comes complete with an answer sheet.

Age: 5 - 6
George Washington Colouring Page

George Washington Colouring Page

George Washington colouring pageThis colouring page provides a creative activity for young learners to engage with the concept of historical figures like George Washington. Colouring allows children to explore their creativity and use their imagination to choose colours, patterns, and designs. Use this printable in any history lesson to reinforce learning about George Washington. 

George Washington Reading Comprehension

George Washington Reading Comprehension

George Washington Reading Comprehension ActivityThis short biography introduces young learners to the life and contributions of George Washington, a significant historical figure. George Washington was born on 22 February 1732, in Virginia. As he grew older, he became a prominent leader and played a vital role in leading his country, the United States, during the American Revolution, a fight for freedom.

Mary Anning Word Search

Mary Anning Word Search

Mary Anning Word SearchUse our colourful word search puzzle to introduce your KS1 pupils to the incredible world of Mary Anning, a renowned fossil collector and palaeontologist from the 19th century. With this word search activity, pupils search horizontally and vertically to find words like "fossil," "dinosaur," and "jurassic."  This word search is an excellent addition to your history lessons, providing an opportunity for students to develop their vocabulary, pattern recognition, and critical thinking skills. It's a fun and educational way to spark curiosity about the past and the wonders of prehistoric life. 

Mary Anning Timeline

Mary Anning Timeline

Mary Anning TimelineWelcome to the fascinating world of Mary Anning, a remarkable woman who lived long ago and made incredible discoveries! In this timeline worksheet, pupils will journey through key moments in Mary Anning's life and explore her groundbreaking contributions to the world of palaeontology. As pupils answer the questions and explore the timeline, they will learn about Mary's exciting discoveries and the impact she had on the world of science. 

The Titanic Word Search

The Titanic Word Search

The Titanic Word Search ActivityThis handy word search activity is designed for KS1 pupils to have fun while learning about the famous ship, Titanic. In this word search, you will find hidden words related to the Titanic's journey and the tragic event that took place in the Atlantic Ocean. As they search for words like "ship," "ocean," and "iceberg," children will enhance their vocabulary and improve their spelling skills. Encourage your pupils to work independently or with friends to find all the words and learn more about the historical significance of the Titanic. 

KS1 The Titanic Reading Comprehension

KS1 The Titanic Reading Comprehension

The Titanic Reading Comprehension ActivityThis worksheet is crafted to introduce young learners to the fascinating story of the Titanic while incorporating interactive elements that promote comprehension and critical thinking. The worksheet highlights the importance of studying historical events like the Titanic. It encourages students to delve into the past, make connections to the present, and glean valuable lessons for the future. To assess comprehension and critical thinking, the worksheet includes multiple-choice questions. These questions are designed to test students' understanding of key facts from the passage. Incorporating the Titanic worksheet into your curriculum offers a unique opportunity to introduce young learners to historical events and concepts in an engaging and age-appropriate manner.

What is a Forest? Reading Comprehension Activity

What is a Forest? Reading Comprehension Activity

What is a forest? Reading comprehension activityOur "What is a forest?" reading comprehension is a magical journey into the heart of nature, specially crafted for curious minds in KS1. In this comprehension, young learners will discover the wonders of a forest – a special place where tall trees stand like guardians, animals play hide-and-seek, and the air feels fresh and clean. As they read, they will explore the soft ground covered in moss and leaves, and meet adorable creatures like squirrels, rabbits, and birds, each finding a cozy home among the trees.

What is a Mountain? Reading Comprehension Activity

What is a Mountain? Reading Comprehension Activity

What is a mountain? Reading comprehension activityThis short reading comprehension activity aims to introduce KS1 pupils to the basic concept of mountains in a simple and understandable way. It focuses on key features and characteristics of mountains, making it suitable for young learners.

What is a River? Reading Comprehension Activity

What is a River? Reading Comprehension Activity

What is a river? Reading Comprehension ActivityThis comprehension activity can be used to introduce young learners to the enchanting world of rivers. This resource aims to provide an engaging and informative experience for your KS1 pupils as they begin to understand the significance of rivers in our natural environment. Through this comprehension, children will gain insights into the role of rivers, their importance for various forms of life, and how they contribute to the delicate balance of ecosystems. The comprehension is tailored to meet the developmental needs of KS1 pupils, offering clear and concise explanations along with comprehension questions that encourage critical thinking and reflection. Use this worksheet in the classroom or at home.  

Physical Features Matching Activity

Physical Features Matching Activity

Physical Features Matching ActivityIn this worksheet, pupils will learn about a variety of physical features that shape our planet's diverse landscapes. As pupils connect each word on the left with its definition on the right, they'll deepen their knowledge of these fundamental elements. Key physical features include sea, forest, soil, beach, mountain, season, ocean, and river.

KS1 Physical Features Word Search

KS1 Physical Features Word Search

Exploring Physical Features word search activityEngage your young learners in a captivating journey through the world of geography with our "Exploring Physical Features Word Search" activity. This word search is designed to help KS1 pupils learn and reinforce key vocabulary related to various physical features of the Earth. From beaches to mountains, rivers to forests, students will have the opportunity to search for and discover these exciting geographical terms while enhancing their language and cognitive skills.

Mary Seacole Word Search

Mary Seacole Word Search

Mary Seacole word search activityIn this word search, pupils will uncover 12 hidden words related to Mary Seacole's journey as a pioneering nurse and her acts of kindness and courage. Can you find all the words and learn more about this historical hero? 

KS1 Historical Heroes Quiz

KS1 Historical Heroes Quiz

KS1 Historical Heroes QuizThis quiz introduces KS1 pupils to historical heroes from different time periods and backgrounds. It encourages them to learn about the remarkable achievements and contributions of these individuals to history and society. The multiple-choice format encourages participation and learning in an interactive way.

KS1 Amelia Earhart Reading Comprehension

KS1 Amelia Earhart Reading Comprehension

Amelia Earhart reading comprehension activityThis comprehension introduces young readers to the adventurous life of Amelia Earhart and her pioneering accomplishments as a pilot. The questions allow students to engage with the text, reinforce their understanding, and reflect on Amelia's extraordinary journey.

KS1 Mary Seacole Reading Comprehension

KS1 Mary Seacole Reading Comprehension

Mary Seacole reading comprehension activityThis comprehension introduces young learners to Mary Seacole, a heroic nurse who cared for soldiers during the Crimean War. The simple language and multiple-choice questions encourage reading comprehension and engage students in learning about historical figures and their contributions.

KS1 Rosa Parks Reading Comprehension

KS1 Rosa Parks Reading Comprehension

Rosa Parks reading comprehension activityThis short comprehension is tailored for KS1 pupils and aims to introduce them to the inspiring story of Rosa Parks. The multiple-choice questions help children engage with the text, practise their reading skills, and think critically about the important message of courage and equality.

KS1 Queen Victoria Fact File

KS1 Queen Victoria Fact File

Queen Victoria Fact FileWith this true or false worksheet, pupils will learn some interesting facts about Queen Victoria, a famous monarch from British history. This worksheet presents a series of statements about Queen Victoria's life and reign, ranging from her birth and family to her achievements and contributions. Pupils will read each statement and determine whether it is true or false based on their understanding of the information. This activity not only reinforces their knowledge of Queen Victoria but also encourages critical thinking and comprehension skills. It is also fun for children using the true or false format! 

KS1 Queen Elizabeth I Reading Comprehension

KS1 Queen Elizabeth I Reading Comprehension

Queen Elizabeth I reading comprehension activityWith age-appropriate language and engaging content, this comprehension aims to introduce young learners to the historical figure of Queen Elizabeth I and spark their interest in history. It introduces the famous queen, her birthdate, and her parents. It highlights her reign as the "Elizabethan Era" and her significant impact on England. The comprehension also mentions the exciting victory over the Spanish Armada during her rule. The worksheet ends by mentioning her famous title "The Virgin Queen" and emphasizes her love for her country. Pupils read through the information and then answer the accompanying study questions. 

Neil Armstrong Vocabulary Cards

Neil Armstrong Vocabulary Cards

Neil Armstrong vocabulary cardsThese colourful vocabulary cards can be used to introduce young learners to the exciting world of space exploration and the remarkable achievements of Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon.

Neil Armstrong Word Search

Neil Armstrong Word Search

Neil Armstrong Word SearchJoin the space adventure with this exciting Neil Armstrong-themed word search! This word search is specially designed for KS1 pupils, offering a fun and educational way to learn about the legendary astronaut, Neil Armstrong. Hidden within the puzzle grid are 12 words related to his historic moon landing and exploration of space.

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Worksheets - Created by teachers and loved by kids

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