Year Printable primary worksheets

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Year 5/6 Spelling Word List

Year 5/6 Spelling Word List

This list of words is specially curated to help students in Years 5 and 6 improve their spelling skills, enrich their vocabulary, and become more confident readers and writers. Our Year 5/6 Spelling List includes a wide range of words, from common ones students will use every day to more complex terms they might encounter in books and articles.

Age: 10 - 11
Year 6 Spelling Practice (set 7)

Year 6 Spelling Practice (set 7)

Year 6 Spelling Cloze ActivityUse this handy cloze activity in the classroom or at home to practise year 5 and year 6 spellings. 

Age: 10 - 11
Year 6 Spelling Practice (set 6)

Year 6 Spelling Practice (set 6)

Year 6 Spelling Cloze ActivityUse this handy cloze activity to practise year 6 spellings. 

Age: 10 - 11
Year 6 Spelling Practice (set 5)

Year 6 Spelling Practice (set 5)

Year 6 Spelling Cloze ActivityStudents must select the correct spelling for each missing word from a provided list. This challenges their spelling and contextual understanding.

Age: 10 - 11
Year 6 Spelling Practice (set 4)

Year 6 Spelling Practice (set 4)

Year 6 Spelling Cloze ActivityThis handy spelling activity can be used for various teaching scenarios, including in-class practice, homework assignments, and collaborative learning. Include this resource in your English lesson to empower students with a well-rounded grasp of spelling and language in context.

Age: 10 - 11
Year 6 Spelling Practice (set 3)

Year 6 Spelling Practice (set 3)

Benefits of this Year 6 Spelling Cloze Activity:Exposure to a diverse range of words and phrases enhances students' vocabulary, benefiting their reading and writing abilities.By deciphering missing words within passages, students improve their comprehension skills and learn to use context clues effectively.The need to select the correct spelling through context encourages critical thinking and problem-solving.Beyond spelling practice, this cloze activity introduces pupils to new words and phrases within a context, promoting vocabulary development.

Age: 10 - 11
Year 6 Spelling Practice (set 2)

Year 6 Spelling Practice (set 2)

Year 6 Spellings WorksheetThis cloze activity for Year 6 students includes 10 spellings from the statutory word list. It aligns with the curriculum to reinforce the words and concepts students are expected to know at this level. Students select the correct spelling for each missing word from the provided list. 

Age: 10 - 11
Year 6 Spelling Practice (set 1)

Year 6 Spelling Practice (set 1)

Year 6 Spelling PracticeOur Year 6 Spelling Cloze Activity is an engaging resource designed to enhance your students' spelling, vocabulary, and reading comprehension skills. Students choose the correct word from the list of spellings to complete each sentence. 

Age: 10 - 11
Year 5 Spellings Handwriting Workbook

Year 5 Spellings Handwriting Workbook

Year 5 Spellings Handwriting WorkbookOur handy year 5 spellings handwriting workbook can be used to enhance spelling skills while reinforcing neat and legible handwriting. The workbook features year-specific spelling lists, carefully curated to align with the Year 5 curriculum. Each list contains a range of words that challenge students to expand their vocabulary and master commonly used words at their age level. 

Age: 9 - 10
Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 9)

Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 9)

Year 5 SpellingsSpelling is a skill that students will use throughout their lives, so building a strong foundation in Year 5 ensures they have this valuable tool for the future.

Age: 9 - 10
Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 8)

Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 8)

KS2 SpellingsPupils circle the correct spelling of the word and then write it on the line. Regularly practising correct spelling contributes to better writing skills, which are crucial in various academic subjects. Accurate spelling is a fundamental skill that is assessed in many school assignments and exams. 

Age: 9 - 10
Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 7)

Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 7)

Year 5 SpellingsCorrect spelling promotes a deeper understanding of word meanings and encourages pupils to expand their vocabulary. Knowing how to spell words correctly can help students better understand what they read. 

Age: 9 - 10
Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 6)

Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 6)

Year 5 SpellingThe ability to spell correctly is not only a fundamental skill but also a key tool for effective communication, both in the classroom and in the real world. Download this handy worksheet for extra spelling practice.  

Age: 9 - 10
Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 5)

Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 5)

Year 5 SpellingsStudents who can spell words correctly tend to feel more confident in their writing abilities, which can lead to greater engagement in writing tasks. Teaching students to spell correctly reduces the likelihood of miscommunication in both written and verbal communication.

Age: 9 - 10
Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 4)

Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 4)

KS2 Spelling WorksheetProper spelling reduces the likelihood of miscommunication, both in written and verbal interactions. It helps students convey their thoughts accurately. This worksheet can be used in the classroom or at home. Students circle the correct spelling of the word and then write the word correctly on the line. 

Age: 9 - 10
Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 3)

Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 3)

KS2 spellingsCorrect spelling improves written and verbal communication. Students can express their ideas clearly and effectively, reducing the chances of misunderstandings. Proficient spelling is essential for strong writing skills. It allows students to focus on composing their ideas rather than getting distracted by spelling errors.

Age: 9 - 10
Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 2)

Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 2)

Year 5 SpellingsIn this worksheet, students will have the opportunity to practise correct spelling to strengthen their writing skills, which are essential across all subjects and future endeavours. Students who can spell independently are less reliant on spell-check tools and can take more ownership of their writing. Pupils circle the correct spelling of each word and then write it correctly on the lines. 

Age: 9 - 10
Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 1)

Year 5 Write the correct spelling (set 1)

Year 5 SpellingsKnowing how to spell words correctly can help students better understand what they read since they won't be distracted or confused by misspellings. Accurate spelling is a fundamental skill that is assessed in many school assignments and exams. In this worksheet, students explore a variety of words, expanding their vocabulary and improving their understanding of word meanings.

Age: 9 - 10
Year 5/6 Spelling Word List

Year 5/6 Spelling Word List

This list of words is specially curated to help students in Years 5 and 6 improve their spelling skills, enrich their vocabulary, and become more confident readers and writers. Our Year 5/6 Spelling List includes a wide range of words, from common ones students will use every day to more complex terms they might encounter in books and articles.

Age: 9 - 10
Year 4 Animal Facts Handwriting Workbook

Year 4 Animal Facts Handwriting Workbook

Animal Facts Handwriting WorkbookThis Year 4 Animal Facts Handwriting Workbook is a handy resource to not only improve students' handwriting skills but also introduce them to fascinating facts about creatures from around the globe. Pupils copy each animal fact carefully and neatly on the lines underneath. 

Age: 8 - 9
Year 3 Spellings Handwriting Workbook

Year 3 Spellings Handwriting Workbook

Year 3 Spellings Handwriting BookletThese statutory spellings often appear in various contexts and are essential for building fluency in reading and writing. Children need to memorise these words by sight. Practicing these spellings helps develop literacy skills and supports the transition to more complex reading and writing tasks in Year 3 and beyond.

Age: 7 - 8
Year 3 Circle the correct spelling (set 8)

Year 3 Circle the correct spelling (set 8)

Year 3 Spellings worksheetThis circle the correct spelling exercise can be made enjoyable through friendly competition or timed challenges, making learning spelling more engaging for students. It is a valuable tool for enhancing spelling skills, expanding vocabulary, and fostering critical thinking, all of which are essential components of effective communication and literacy. 

Age: 7 - 8
Year 3 Circle the correct spelling (set 7)

Year 3 Circle the correct spelling (set 7)

Year 3 Spelling activitySuccessfully identifying and circling the correct spellings can boost students' confidence in their spelling abilities. This spelling worksheet can also be used as a study aid for spelling tests and quizzes, helping students prepare for assessments.

Age: 7 - 8
Year 3 Circle the correct spelling (set 6)

Year 3 Circle the correct spelling (set 6)

Year 3 Spelling worksheetThis handy spelling exercise with options to circle the correct spelling provides a valuable tool for improving spelling proficiency and language skills. Children have fun circling the correct spelling of each word and then writing it in the boxes provided. This activity can be used in the classroom or at home. 

Age: 7 - 8
Year 3 Circle the correct spelling (set 5)

Year 3 Circle the correct spelling (set 5)

Circle the correct spellingBy identifying and circling the correct spelling among multiple options, students practice and reinforce their knowledge of correct spellings. This spelling activity can be used at home or in the classroom. 

Age: 7 - 8
Year 3 Circle the correct spelling (set 4)

Year 3 Circle the correct spelling (set 4)

Year 3 Spelling activityThis spelling activity serves as a valuable tool for enhancing students' spelling abilities and promoting a deeper understanding of correct word usage in written communication. Children can complete the spelling worksheet independently or with guidance from a teacher or parent. 

Age: 7 - 8
Year 3 Circle the correct spelling (set 3)

Year 3 Circle the correct spelling (set 3)

Year 3 Circle the correct spellingImproved spelling skills can positively impact reading comprehension as students encounter correctly spelled words more frequently in their reading materials. The task requires students to visually discriminate between different spellings, promoting attention to detail in language.

Age: 7 - 8
Year 3 Circle the correct spelling (set 2)

Year 3 Circle the correct spelling (set 2)

Year 3 Spelling WorksheetThis useful spelling worksheet helps students practice and reinforce correct spellings of words, contributing to improved spelling skills. By engaging with a variety of words, students expand their vocabulary and become more familiar with the correct spellings of these words. Children circle the correct spelling and write the word in the box. 

Age: 7 - 8
Year 3 Circle the correct spelling (set 1)

Year 3 Circle the correct spelling (set 1)

Year 3 Spelling WorksheetThis handy spelling resource helps students practice and reinforce correct spellings of words, contributing to improved spelling skills. By engaging with a variety of words, students expand their vocabulary and become more familiar with the correct spellings of these words. Children circle the correct spelling and write the word in the box. 

Age: 7 - 8
Year 3/4 Spelling Word List

Year 3/4 Spelling Word List

Year 3 and 4 SpellingsIncorporating the Year 3 and 4 Spelling Word List into the curriculum fosters a strong foundation in language skills, enriches vocabulary, and promotes confident communication. This word list can be used to create weekly spelling lists for students. Each week, introduce a set of words and encourage pupils to practice spelling and understanding their meanings. The word list can serve as a foundation for expanding students' vocabulary.

Age: 7 - 8
Year 2 Common Exception Words Handwriting Workbook

Year 2 Common Exception Words Handwriting Workbook

Year 2 Common Exception Words Handwriting BookletThese common exception words often appear in various contexts and are essential for building fluency in reading and writing. Children need to memorise these words by sight. Practicing these common exception words helps develop literacy skills and supports the transition to more complex reading and writing tasks in Year 2 and beyond.

Age: 6 - 7
Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 8)

Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 8)

Year 2 SpellingSpelling is a fundamental aspect of language acquisition and literacy development. Year 2, a crucial year in a child's education, marks a significant stage in their spelling journey. During this time, students transition from basic phonetic spelling to a more comprehensive understanding of spelling patterns and rules. Accurate spelling enhances a child's ability to communicate effectively. As students progress through Year 2, they move beyond writing simple sentences to crafting more complex compositions.

Age: 6 - 7
Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 7)

Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 7)

Year 2 SpellingsLearning spelling introduces pupils to a wider range of vocabulary. This exposure to new words not only helps them understand their meanings but also encourages them to incorporate these words into their own writing. Students practise reading the spelling words and writing them themselves. They then complete a fill-in-the-blanks exercise. 

Age: 6 - 7
Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 6)

Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 6)

Year 2 SpellingsThis spelling worksheet is designed to engage year 2 students in a fun way while strengthening their spelling skills. The fill-in-the-blanks activity focuses on keywords that are commonly used in their vocabulary. By completing this worksheet, students will not only enhance their spelling abilities but also reinforce their understanding of word meanings and context.

Age: 6 - 7
Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 5)

Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 5)

Year 2 SpellingsLearning to spell correctly is a crucial aspect of a child's language development, and Year 2 spellings play a significant role in building a strong foundation for language skills. Correct spelling contributes to efficient reading. When words are spelled correctly, they are easily recognisable, facilitating smoother reading comprehension. 

Age: 6 - 7
Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 4)

Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 4)

Year 2 SpellingsMastering spellings can greatly boost a child's confidence in both reading and writing. When children are confident in their spelling abilities, they are more likely to tackle writing tasks with enthusiasm and produce work that they are proud of. Students fill in the blanks with the correct word from the spelling word bank. 

Age: 6 - 7
Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 3)

Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 3)

Correct spelling is essential for effective communication. When children spell words accurately, their written communication becomes more coherent and easily understandable. This is especially important as they begin to express their thoughts, ideas, and stories through writing. Learning Year 2 spellings introduces children to a wider range of vocabulary. This exposure to new words not only helps them understand their meanings but also encourages them to incorporate these words into their own writing. With this spelling worksheet, students choose the correct word from the word bank to complete the sentences. They also practise writing each spelling word. 

Age: 6 - 7
Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 2)

Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 2)

Year 2 Spellings ListIn this activity, we will be diving into some interesting words that will help pupils strengthen their spelling skills. This worksheet is designed to enhance students' vocabulary and understanding of word patterns.Students fill in the blanks with the correct spelling of the words from the word bank. They must pay close attention to the context of the sentence to choose the appropriate spelling. 

Age: 6 - 7
Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 1)

Year 2 Spelling Practice (set 1)

Year 2 SpellingsThis spelling worksheet is designed to engage year 2 students in a fun way while strengthening their spelling skills. The fill-in-the-blanks activity focuses on key words that are commonly used in their vocabulary. By completing this worksheet, students will not only enhance their spelling abilities but also reinforce their understanding of word meanings and context.

Age: 6 - 7
Year 1 Using the prefix un–

Year 1 Using the prefix un–

Using the prefix un-By practicing words with the "un-" prefix, pupils will expand their vocabulary. They will learn how adding the prefix changes the meaning of a word, creating new words with an opposite or negating effect. This worksheet promotes vocabulary development, reading skills, critical thinking, and confidence in language usage. 

Age: 5 - 6
Year 1 Spelling Practice (set 6)

Year 1 Spelling Practice (set 6)

How will this worksheet help my child?Word searches are an enjoyable activity for children. The interactive nature of searching for words in a puzzle format makes spelling practice more engaging and exciting for young learners. There are 5 words hidden in the puzzle for children to find. This activity can be used in the classroom or at home.  

Age: 5 - 6
Year 1 Spelling Practice (set 5)

Year 1 Spelling Practice (set 5)

Year 1 spelling worksheetThis handy year 1 worksheet promotes vocabulary development, sentence construction, and comprehension skills. There are six fill in the blanks sentences for children to complete using the correct words from the spelling list. 

Age: 5 - 6
Year 1 Spelling Practice (set 4)

Year 1 Spelling Practice (set 4)

Year 1 spelling activityBy filling in the blanks with the appropriate word, students reinforce their understanding of subject pronouns, verb tenses, and possessive pronouns. This exercise helps develop sentence construction skills and language comprehension. This year 1 spelling worksheet can be used in the classroom or at home.

Age: 5 - 6
Year 1 Spelling Practice (set 3)

Year 1 Spelling Practice (set 3)

Year 1 spelling activityThese sentences allow students to practice using words like "come," "some," "one," "once," "ask," "friend," "school," and "put" in meaningful contexts. The exercise promotes vocabulary development, sentence structure, and comprehension skills. Students 'Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check' each spelling word by completing the table. 

Age: 5 - 6
Year 1 Spelling Practice (set 2)

Year 1 Spelling Practice (set 2)

How will this resource help my child?These sentences provide opportunities for students to practise using possessive pronouns ("your," "they," "he," "me," "she," and "we") and the negation word "no." By filling in the blanks with the appropriate word, students reinforce their understanding of pronouns, express ownership, and learn to form sentences in a meaningful context.

Age: 5 - 6
Year 1 Spelling Practice (set 1)

Year 1 Spelling Practice (set 1)

Year 1 Spelling PracticeThis handy English activity involves fill-in-the-blank sentences for 5-6-year-old students. It aims to reinforce their understanding and usage of common words such as "the," "a," "do," "to," "today," "of," "said," and "says." The exercise can be used by educators to promote language skills, including vocabulary, grammar, and sentence construction. 

Age: 5 - 6
Year 1 Maths Number and Place Value Workbook

Year 1 Maths Number and Place Value Workbook

Year 1 Maths Number and Place Value BookletThis handy maths booklet for year 1 pupils contains a variety of activities that will help your child master some of the key skills taught in the Year 1 programme of study - number and place value. This booklet will help your child to:count to and across 100count, read, and write numbers up to 100 in numeralsidentify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words

Age: 5 - 6
Year 1 Maths Number Bonds to 10 Workbook

Year 1 Maths Number Bonds to 10 Workbook

What are the number bonds to 10?Number bonds to 10 are pairs of numbers that can be added together to make 10. They are 1 and 9, 2 and 8, 3 and 7, 4 and 6, and 5 and 5. They can also be called number pairs, number partners, addition facts, or fact families. Number bonds to 10 workbookThis maths activity workbook contains a variety of pages with lots of number bonds to 10-related exercises that children will have fun completing. This workbook includes number bonds to 10 sums with ten frames, colour the balloons that equal 10, domino missing number bonds to 10, jigsaw matching, and rainbow bonds to 10. Use this resource in the classroom or at home and help your children develop their maths skills. Help your students master number bonds to 10 facts and improve their knowledge with our colourful engaging workbook.

Age: 5 - 6
of 3

year Worksheets - Created by teachers and loved by kids

Check out our ready-to-use year worksheets that can be used in the classroom or at home. Simply download or print and watch your child’s confidence grow with our easy to follow year printables.


One of the best things about printable worksheets is that they make learning fun and easy. Explore our educational resources based on year and keep your children learning through these fun and engaging exercises.


Our year printable worksheets are designed for progressive learning. Our engaging content enables a child to learn at their own speed and gain confidence quickly. When we help a child believe in themselves, we empower them for life.


Printable worksheets are a great way to enhance creativity and improve a child’s knowledge. Help your child learn more about year with this great selection of worksheets designed to help children succeed.

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