What is animal adaptation?

Every animal on Earth has adaptations that help it stay alive in its habitat (a place where an animal lives). If it is cold outside, we can put on our coats, hats and gloves to keep warm. We have adapted ourselves for the weather outside. Adapted means that we have changed ourselves for the cold conditions.

Fur, feathers and fat help animals keep warm in cold habitats. Camouflage helps animals hide from other animals. Long legs help animals escape from other animals. All of these are adaptations.

Let's look at how some different animals have adapted to their environment.

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Giraffes' long necks have helped them survive as they can reach food in places that other animals cannot. They can eat leaves straight from the branches of tall trees. Their long necks also help them to see other animals coming, like hungry lions. They have long tongues which are 21 inches long. This helps giraffes pull leaves from the trees.

Giraffes live in groups called herds.

Emperor Penguin

Emperor penguins live in a very cold place called Antarctica. They have four layers of feathers and a thick layer of fat (blubber). This protects them from the icy winds. They also huddle together in groups to keep themselves and each other warm. They have strong claws that help them grip the ice as they shuffle along.

Emperor penguins have strong flippers which make them excellent swimmers. They cannot fly.

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