
The main religion in Belgium is Christianity (Roman Catholics and protestants) but people are free to practice the religion they choose.


Country regions

Belgium is 30,528 square km in size and has three regions, each region controls its own economy. 

Flanders is in the north, that’s where they speak Dutch.

Wallonia is in the south, the official language is French but there are some parts that speak German too.

Brussels-capital is in the middle of the country. They speak both Dutch and French.

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National symbols

The national symbol of Belgium is the lion. 

The national flower of Belgium is the red poppy. 

La Brabanconne is the national anthem of Belgium. 


Government and Economy

Belgium has a constitutional monarchy meaning they have a monarch (king and queen) but the monarch doesn’t rule the country. The government is led by a prime minister who is elected democratically, meaning people vote. Everyone in Belgium who is over 18 years old must vote in the elections.

Belgium is very industrialised. The capital city, Brussels, is considered a centre of the world economy and diplomacy. There are many big, important places there like the headquarters of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

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Belgium exports machinery, chemicals and metal products to many countries around the world. It is even considered the diamond capital of the world! 

Some of its major industries are motor vehicle assembly and engineering. It is the world’s largest exporter of chocolate. 'To export' means to ship to other countries. They produce 220,000 tons of chocolate every year! Praline chocolates were invented by Jean Neuhaus in Brussels in 1912.

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