What is a verb?

Verbs are everywhere! A verb is simply a doing or action word, like jump, kick, eat, smile, or think. We use verbs all the time in our writing. There are lots of action verbs in the English language! An action verb tells us what a person, animal, or thing can do.  

Some sentences are about one person, animal, place or object. In those sentences, we add an -s to the verb.


Look at the examples below: 

Tom eats dinner.

Emi walks to school.

The cat jumps.

The girl dances.


Some sentences are about more than one person, animal, place or object. In those sentences, we do not add an -s to the verb.


Look at the examples below: 

Tom and Ben eat dinner.

Emi and Layla walk to school.

The cat and dog jump.

The girl and boy dance.


Now that you have read some examples, let’s start the activities!

Choose the best verb to complete the sentence.