Where do forest fires occur?

Forest fires can occur on every continent of the world except Antarctica. They are most common in the United States and Canada.


Are forest fires bad?

Forest fires can cause a lot of damage, they can destroy animals’ habitats and burn down people’s houses, but they can also be good. They can rid the land of diseased plants or harmful insects and can return nutrients to the soil by burning away dead matter. When forest fires burn leaves and branches of tall trees, they can help sunlight reach the forest floor, allowing baby plants to grow.


How do animals and plants protect themselves?

Animals can run or fly away. Mice, snakes and lizards can burrow deep into the ground to escape.

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Many plants die during forest fires but some have adapted by growing hard leaves or thick bark to resist heat. Some trees can store water in their outer structures and others have buds under the bark that grow when the fire is over. The seeds of some plants are fire-resistant.


Spotting fires

Satellites can help see areas that are burning and detect smoke produced by the fires. These are known as Earth observation satellites. These satellites together with weather satellites can help firefighters concentrate on areas which are most at risk. Satellite images taken over many years make it easier to predict and prepare for future fires.

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How to keep safe during a forest fire

If you are caught in your house during a forest fire, here are a few things you can do to stay safe:

  • Close all doors and windows to keep out the wind, but keep them unlocked.
  • Fill up bathtubs and sinks with water.
  • Stay away from windows.
  • Turn off the power and the gas supply.
  • Spray the sides of the house with a hose


If you are caught outside during a forest fire:

  • Keep low and try to find a ditch and lie face down in it covering your body.
  • Find an area clear from vegetation that can set alight, like trees and bushes.
  • If you are in a car, close the windows and vents.


Did you know?

  • There are around 100,000 forest fires every year in the United States.
  • Smoke from burning plants contains a substance called orange butenolide, which stimulates the germination of seeds.
  • A crown fire is a fire that spreads quickly by burning across the tops of trees.