
Today almost one in every ten Germans comes from a foreign country, so many people have different religions. People are free to follow whichever religion they like but most of them are Christians.


Country regions

Germany is 357,021 square km in size and is divided into 16 states.

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Government and Economy

The currency used in Germany is euros and the government is a federal republic. A federal republic is a government made up of smaller states or provinces.

Germany is known for producing steel, cement, cars, boats and electronics. Some of the world's most famous cars were produced in Germany like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi and Volkswagen. 

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They also produce many agricultural foods like potatoes, wheat, barley and cabbages. They have many natural resources like natural gas, iron, coal, copper and nickel.

Something very important to know about Germany is that after World War II it was in ruins. The country was split into two separate states: East and West, which were divided by a big wall called the Berlin Wall. The two sides unified many years later and today Germany has become one of the richest countries in the world.