More interesting facts about starfish

Starfish are slow-moving predators. They feed on molluscs such as clams, snails, oysters, and other slow-moving sea creatures.

Starfish have suckers on the ends of their tube feet to hold and grab their prey.

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Their stomach exits their mouth to digest the food and goes back inside their body when they've finished eating.


Did you know? 

  • Some sea stars can weigh up to 5 kg.
  • The average life span of a starfish is 35 years. 
  • Starfish are related to sea urchins. 
  • Starfish use seawater to pump things around their bodies instead of blood.
  • There are around 2,000 species of starfish living in the world's oceans. 
  • Most types of starfish can regenerate. It can take up to a year to grow the arm back. 

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  • The sunflower star (pictured above) is the largest sea star in the world, with an arm span of up to 3.3 feet. They have 16 - 24 arms. 
  • Predators of sea stars include fish, sea otters and birds. 
  • Starfish are echinoderms which are organisms with a spiny skin.