How to use commas

Commas are a form of punctuation mark which can be used in numerous ways. In many cases they avoid ambiguity, in other words, they make the meaning of a sentence clearer.

Here are a few ways commas can be used:

  • We use commas when listing items. Sarah bought an apple, banana, kiwi and orange.
  • We use commas when we are speaking to a person or a group of people. Ben, would you like to come with us?
  • We use commas after an introductory word or phrase. Every Easter, the family drives to the countryside to visit the grandparents.
  • We use commas to mark out the less important part of a sentence. The hairdresser, who lives next door, is always in a rush in the mornings.
  • We use commas to separate adjectives. The dog was big, brown and friendly.


In this level, we're going to practise using commas correctly.

Here's an example of the type of question you will be asked:

Which of these sentences is correct?

a) After school, we will ride our bikes to the park.

b) After school we will ride, our bikes to the park.

The answer is a) After school, we will ride our bikes to the park.