Maths > Measurement

Explore Year 2 Maths – Measurement with PrimaryLeap

At PrimaryLeap, we aim to make learning about measurement an engaging and practical experience for Year 2 pupils. According to the UK curriculum, Year 2 students will develop essential skills in measurement through hands-on and interactive activities. They will:

  • Choose and use appropriate standard units: Pupils will learn to estimate and measure length/height (m/cm), mass (kg/g), temperature (°C), and capacity (litres/ml) using rulers, scales, thermometers, and measuring vessels.
  • Compare and order measurements: Students will compare and order lengths, mass, and volume/capacity, recording the results using >, <, and =.
  • Recognise and use money symbols: Children will understand and use symbols for pounds (ÂŁ) and pence (p), combining amounts to make a particular value.
  • Find combinations of coins: Pupils will explore different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money.
  • Solve practical money problems: Students will solve simple problems involving the addition and subtraction of money, including giving change.
  • Compare and sequence intervals of time: Children will learn to compare and sequence different intervals of time.
  • Tell and write the time: Pupils will tell and write the time to five minutes, including quarter past/to the hour, and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times.
  • Understand time units: Students will know the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day.

Our vibrant and interactive worksheets are designed to support these learning objectives, making maths both fun and accessible for young learners. These printable and downloadable resources can be used in lessons at school or for practice at home.

Here are just a few of the engaging worksheets we offer:

  • Length and Height Measurement: Pupils use rulers to measure length and height in metres and centimetres, comparing their measurements and recording results using >, <, and = symbols. These activities reinforce their understanding of appropriate units and measurement accuracy.
  • Money Problems: These resources help students recognise and use symbols for pounds and pence, combine amounts to make a particular value, and solve simple addition and subtraction money problems, including giving change.
  • Telling the Time: These worksheets guide children in telling and writing the time to five minutes, including quarter past/to the hour. Activities also include drawing clock hands to show specific times, enhancing their time-telling skills.

Tips for Parents and Teachers

To make the most of our resources, here are some tips for parents and teachers:

  • Hands-On Practice: Encourage children to use real-life objects for measuring length, mass, and volume. This practical approach helps them grasp the concepts more effectively.
  • Consistent Reinforcement: Regular practice with our worksheets will help solidify your child’s understanding and skills in measurement.
  • Real-World Application: Use everyday situations, like cooking or shopping, to teach measurement and money concepts. This makes learning more relevant and engaging.

Additional Resources

In addition to measurement, PrimaryLeap offers a variety of worksheets and activities tailored to the Year 2 maths curriculum, ensuring a comprehensive approach to mathematical education:

  • Number and Place Value: Resources that help children understand the value of digits and how to represent and compare numbers.
  • Addition and Subtraction: Activities that develop basic arithmetic skills, including solving problems within 100 and learning mental maths strategies.
  • Multiplication and Division: Worksheets that introduce pupils to the concepts of multiplication and division, including counting in steps, understanding arrays, and simple problem-solving.
  • Fractions: Resources that teach children to recognise, find, name, and write fractions, focusing on understanding halves, quarters, and thirds.
  • Geometry: Worksheets that help children identify and describe the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, and understand positional language and symmetry.
  • Statistics: Activities that introduce pupils to collecting, organising, and interpreting data through simple charts and graphs.

Mastering measurement in Year 2 is a key component of a child's mathematical development. At PrimaryLeap, we provide the tools and resources necessary to make this learning journey both effective and enjoyable. Dive into our engaging worksheets and interactive lessons to support your child's progress and watch them thrive in their understanding of measurement concepts!

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