Level 1

When rounding to the nearest ten, look at the ones digit.

If the digit is below 5 (0, 1, 2, 3 or 4) we round down

If the digit is 5 or higher (5, 6, 7, 8 or 9) we round up.

Have a look at how the numbers below have been rounded up and down:

21 - Round down to 20

42 - Round down to 40

53 - Round down to 50

74 - Round down to 70

35 - Round up to 40

16 - Round up to 20

97 - Round up to 100

Let's practise estimating the product.


Round each factor to the nearest ten, then multiply.

57 x 14


Round each number to the nearest ten.

57: round to 60

14: round to 10 

Now multiply 60 x 10 = 600

The answer is 600.