Culture and tourist attractions

France is known for its great food and art. Croissants are famous French pastries that are often eaten for breakfast and crepes are thin pancakes that are usually stuffed with sweet fillings like fruit and cream. Not only is their food mouth watering but their art leaves people with their mouths wide open too. 

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The Louvre museum is the largest art museum in the world. It’s located in Paris and is so big that it’s impossible to see it all in one day. This museum is home to the Mona Lisa, a portrait painted by the famous painter, Leonardo da Vinci. It has its very own bodyguards and is protected by bulletproof glass!

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Other famous places you might want to visit here are the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and the cathedral of Notre Dame, where the story 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' is based.


Famous people

Napoleon Bonaparte - a famous military and political leader who became the emperor of France. He conquered many countries in Europe but was defeated in the battle of Waterloo.

Joan of Arc - a female heroine who claimed to receive heavenly visions that told her to reclaim France from English control. She was only 19 years old when she was captured and burned at the stake.

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Marie Antoinette - a famous French Queen. While most of the people in France were struggling to buy bread to eat, Marie Antoinette had no problem with spending lots of money on dresses, jewellery and fancy hairstyles. People became very angry with her and she was beheaded during the French revolution.


Did you know?

  • France is one of the countries in Europe with the most farmland.
  • The word ballet is a French word.
  • The highest mountain in Europe is found in France. It’s called Monte Blanc (Mont Blanc in English, meaning white mountain).
  • The longest river in France is the river Loire.
  • The French army was the first to use camouflage. The word itself comes from the French word 'Camofleurs'.
  • The world’s most famous bike race is called the Tour de France. It lasts up to three weeks and is approximately 2,000 miles long.
  • Braille is a special alphabet used by blind people, it was invented by a blind French man called Louis Braille.