What is a suffix?

Suffixes are little words added to the end of a word like -ment, -ness, -ful, -less and -ly.

enjoy + ment = enjoyment
dark + ness = darkness
play + ful = playful
sleep + less = sleepless
love + ly = lovely


Here are some examples of words ending in -ment:

Excitement, merriment, involvement


Here are some examples of words ending in -ness:

Tiredness, kindness, baldness


Here are some examples of words ending in -ful:

Careful, playful, wasteful


Here are some examples of words ending in -less:

Hopeless, priceless, endless


Here are some examples of words ending in -ly:

Badly, happily, lively


Let's start the activities! 

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The little girl was feeling very ______ today. (playful/playfully)

The correct answer is playful.