What is a prefix?

A prefix is a group of letters added before a word to alter its meaning. In this level, we're going to have a look at the prefixes dis- and mis-.

The prefix dis is generally used to make a word negative.

Dislike = to not like.

Distrust = to not trust.


The prefix mis means badly, wrongly or incorrectly.

Misread is to read something incorrectly.

Mistreat = to treat badly.


Here are some examples of verbs with the prefix dis-:

Distrust, disallow, disconnect, discredit


Here are some examples of verbs with the prefix mis-:

Misplace, misunderstand, misspell, misbehave


In this level, you will be asked to complete sentences by choosing the correct word.


Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Reagan ______ the time it would take to walk to school and arrived late.


The correct answer is misjudged.