The periodic table is a large list of elements. Elements are the things that build up matter. For example, water (H20) is made up of the element hydrogen and the element oxygen.

The periodic table lists all the known elements and groups together the ones with similar properties. Elements cannot be broken down into smaller units, each one is unique and does different things.

The periodic table is very useful for chemists to study patterns and relationships between elements. For example, elements on the bottom left of the table are the most metallic, and elements on the top right are the least metallic.

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Imagine you’re a crazy scientist with pokey out hair and big goofy goggles....If you wanted to mix things and experiment, you could first look at the periodic table to see what elements you want to mix. The periodic table is similar to a cookbook, it makes it easier to know what elements go well together and what ones make the perfect mix!


Fun facts

  • The periodic table has 118 different elements.
  • 90 of the 118 elements are found in nature.
  • The only letter not in the periodic table is the letter J.
  • Early scientists divided elements into fire, earth, air and water.