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Going Back to School

Is your child having difficulties with going back to school? The first day of going back to school or starting somewhere new can have a big impact on your child, especially after the long summer break. They might feel nervous or a little scared about meeting new friends and having new teachers. Give them some time to settle in and get back into the school routine. Make sure that they start the day with a healthy breakfast and that they have enough sleep. This will help their concentration and keep them motivated in their classes. They are equipped with a new school uniform, new books and a brand new pencil case! So try to introduce a new scheme of homework or revision to motivate them and keep them interested in what they are learning at school. Primary Leap has recently added some new reading comprehensions to our site which will help to improve a child's reading skills. Simply download one of these short comprehensions for extra homework or revision to help your child gain confidence in his/her literacy skills. Click Here to view our new literacy reading comprehensions. Try to make the first day of school a fun and enjoyable time for your child. Parents are also a bit nervous when their child goes back to school or starts a new one, so try to stay as calm as possible and give your child reassurance.

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