Digraph: 'ew' cloze activity

Premium Worksheet

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Digraph: 'ew' cloze activity
Premium Worksheet

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Introducing the "ew" digraph to young learners can be an engaging and effective way to enhance their spelling skills. Here are some benefits of teaching "ew" words and digraphs:

Benefits of teaching 'ew' words and digraphs:

Phonemic awareness: Learning about digraphs like "ew" helps children develop their phonemic awareness by recognising that two letters together create a single sound.

Spelling patterns: Understanding digraphs introduces students to specific spelling patterns, helping them become more proficient spellers.

Reading fluency: Recognising digraphs contributes to improved reading fluency as students become more confident in decoding words.

Vocabulary expansion: Introducing new words with the "ew" sound enhances vocabulary and comprehension skills.

Max Possible Score:
Age Range:
5 - 6

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